Thank You Fr. Don LaCuesta
Fr. Don LaCuesta recently delivered a controversial homily at a funeral for a young man who had committed suicide. Reading the homily in context, I have highlighted the hopeful and uplifting portions of the homily in blue, the portions which speak of mercy in green, the portions which state truth in yellow, and I have highlighted the portions which condemn the young man in red and the dishonest portions in gray. The neutral portions are not highlighted. Therefore the color scheme is as follows:

Here is the actual homily:

So that was Fr. LaCuesta’s homily. Notice that there was no red or gray highlighting? That is because he never condemned the young man, and he never said anything dishonest in the homily. And for this he has been persecuted in the national media and by countless people who have never read the actual homily. He has also been underbused (thrown under the bus) by his diocese. Now that is a great way to foster vocations, huh?
In a day and age when a prince of the Church, Archbishop Theodore McCarrick can live an openly homosexual lifestyle while being promoted to the highest level of the Church… And when the Pope himself runs interference for a guy like McCarrick…. And when the American bishops cannot even vote to ENCOURAGE the Pope to release the records on a guy like McCarrick… And when we have numerous stories about gay networks in the U.S., South America, Central America, and the Vatican… And when the secretary for Cardinal Cocopalmerio is arrested in a drug fueled homosexual orgy within the Vatican walls… And on, and on, and on…
People: Let me tell you that a courageous priest who preaches hope, mercy, and truth, during a funeral homily should be honored, congratulated, even revered. As a matter of fact, he should be made a bishop so he can actually do something about the weaklings and cowards who apparently hold the majority of seats in the USCCB right now. Fr. LaCuesta shows more courage in one day than Cardinal Cupich, Cardinal Dolan, Cardinal Tobin, Bishop McElroy, have collectively shown since they entered the seminary.
And while I do thank Fr. LaCuesta for his courage and his faithfulness, I also keep the family of the young man, and the young man himself, in my prayers. The young man’s legacy should not have to be the debacle the media has created. Please keep them all in your prayers, including Fr. LaCuesta, his bishop, and the entire Church.
God bless this wonderful priest! I would love to contact him to thank him for the beautiful truths of our faith he expressed so eloquently at this funeral. It’s so obvious the media AND Catholics are so blatantly ignorant of Who Jesus is and the love and mercy of our God!!
Sometimes the truth is difficult to accept but it doesn’t stop it being the truth.
God bless this priest first his courage and love.
Very well said. I agree that Fr. Don should become a bishop because of his courageousness in preaching hope, mercy and truth during a funeral. We salute you, Fr. Don! We need more priests like you. We love you!!!
I read the homily i did not find anything bad about it i find that he was just expressing his true feelings at the moment and hopefully those bashers should at least read the homily first before condemning him.
Those who truly know the Lord Jesus Christ can shed light even in the darkest alleys and corners of life. That you are able to make truth a beacon of hope in a situation that is darkened by pain, guilt and confusion, you are indeed a light that emits the glory and love of God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
Having bee to a number of funerals of one who has committed suicide…I would have welcomed these words. We can only deal with the darkness when the light is allowed to enter….no matter what has caused that darkness. God Bless you Father…you are not alone. And God have mercy on this young man and console his family in all Truth.